Thursday, 8 October 2015

Marcus - Rugby five sences

See:I can see the try line meter’s away. I can see people urging to tackle me. I can see teammates waiting for the ball
Smell  I can smell The stench of the guys next to me. I can smell fear from the other team. I can smell the grass as I get tackled

Taste: I can taste the grass when I hit the ground. I can taste victory when we win. I can taste the food after the game.
Hear: I can hear the crowd cheering my name. I can hear teammates calling for the ball. I can hear the halftime buzzer.

Touch: I can touch the payers face as I fend them off. I can touch the grass as I slide for the try. I can touch the ball when I kick it for the conversion.

This is a google doc that show the five scene's in this photo. WALT: write imaginatively.

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