The 29th of august 2016 Me and eight other manaiakalani school ambassador had to meet up at the Pt england school car park for our speaking at the google presentation. We left the carpark at 7:30am so we could get there before traffic starts. We ended up with traffic a lot of traffic, It took us 30 minutes to get to the Aotea square and we were all exhausted and grumpy but we managed to get into the build nice and calmly even though we had problems on the elevator and in the underground car park.
We got into the room and was told to sit down on a circle shaped table and blog about being here, I was to nervous to so I just read over my speech to make sure I don’t muck up when it's my turn to speak. It was time for the google presentation to start, we walked to the front of the rows and sat down. Ed was one of the people that worked at google and he was the host of the google presentation, He introduced everyone and gave a little talk about fueling the future.
It was time for the manaiakalani school ambassador to speak and I was first as always, I was shaking and feeling Shaky. I didn’t think I could do it but I walked up with my shoulders high and my back straight and just started speaking I slowed my speech down and made sure I pronounced my words carefully and correctly.